Burnout Legend = FUN!!
Long time didn't update this blog already. So, it's time for another update and also time for another PSP reivew. Im going to review Burnout Legend for PSP this time, which I just got it last week Sunday.
Front Case

Rear Case

Consider I'm a fan of Burnout and any other racing games that are really fast. So, of course, my expectation were very high.
Graphics: 8/10
Definitely you cannot compare this version to it's console cousin graphics. The graphics are GOOD, for the PSP that is. Try to think as Wipeout Pure graphic. I've heard comparisons that the graphics look PS1 graphics, but honestly, the graphics are fine and PS1 is waaayyyyy uglier. It's on par with games like Wipeout Pure. Loading times aren't that long, which is good. And the blur effect when you do the boost are not in the PSP version. So meaning when you boost, the graphic are still the same only your car going faster. So no PSP's Rigde Racer style boosting over here. Sorry.
Sound: 9/10
I was glad that they had real songs in the game and not substitute noises to save on loading times or memory. Sound is better when wearing your earphones so you can hear all the sound effects and music.
Controls: 8/10
There are only two pre-set controls, Type A or B. I wished I could have customized my controls a bit. But I'll just have to get used to what's there. It's not a bad setup, but the option to change would have been nice.
Gameplay: 10/10
This game is just plain FUN and FAST!. Plain and simple. I love the Burnout games so much because the game isn't really about the racing. It's about crashing and taking out opponents. The crashes may not be as detailed as on the console version, but this is the PSP and crashing is still fun as can be. Taking racers out is also really satisfying.
Consider it as Burnout: Lite or Burnout: To Go.