
Gamespot - 6.5 / 10
IGN - 7.0 / 10
GamePro - 2.5 / 5
GameDaily - 3 / 5
1UP - 6 / 10
Game Freaks 365 - 7.5 / 10
Well then, I guess I can give a full review of the game right now.
Death Jr.
The story of Death, Jr. is fairly simple. Death, Jr. and pals are at the museum for a fieldtrip. Pandora finds a box that she just can't resist opening. However, she tries and tries but can't get it open. DJ (aka Death, Jr.) uses his trust worth scythe to open it. Now he's gone and unleashed Menoch and he has taken the souls of DJ's friends! Now DJ needs to get those souls back and put Menoch back into that box before his dad finds out. I may have gotten the villains name wrong but oh well. The plot is along the lines of The Nightmare Before Christmas, being that it has a twisted sense of humor. The characters are neat and I think the creator just had funny (Stigmartha is great also and I love the scene of her hiding her eyes when her soul is taken). The plot isn't deep and never really goes anywhere but it's just fun and entertaining.
The graphics in the game are rather good. Enemies are a tad bland looking at a distance but up close, they look rather good. Fair amount of variation on them also. The levels are full of stuff and a lot of it can be destroyed and they want you to destroy it because you get more points, but more on that later. I really liked the designs of the characters. I never ran into any jaggies or anything like that, it all runs smoothly, looks smooth and is nicely detailed.
The sound in the game is a bit of a mixed bag. The weapons all sound good, and I just love the sounds of the hamsters as they run to just be blown up within seconds. Enemies let out different types of screams so it's varied there. The music is just wow...great! It's really good and it actually adds a bit of fun to the game. I really love the music for Seep's levels. The voice acting is a bit should i said..not really that nice. Not great but it does work but a few voices were just really bad. All in all though it isn't that bad and it's nice to have voice acting, even if it isn't used all of the time.
Now for the control where people complaint most. Now, most complaints are based on the control in this game. Let me just state one thing quickly. The camera is horrible when you're doing bad run and gun. It's perfectly fine during scythe action. For some reason the targeting system goes haywire during the run and gun moments but it isn't that bit of a problem, except in hall ways and that’s only in the 3 school levels which isn't too bad. Of course the camera still isn’t perfect but it's more manageable when you know that. The L button centers the cam, it doesn't work well while having a gun out and you must tap to center because holding L goes into stand still look around mode, which is good for using the electric gun on power stuff. You jump with X, use scythe with square, circle is gun and triangle is dodge. It all works well. The R button is used for strafing which I found myself using a lot during the run and gun stuff but it also targets enemies for you.
The game play is a lot like that found in the Ratchet and Clank series. There are 17 levels in the game(I think). Not all have bosses. While I'm on the subject of bosses, let me tell you about them. They are large and provide a challenge until you figure out what to do. I found the later bosses to be rather hard, even when knowing what to do.
The enemies are rather varied. They attack in different ways and require different methods to be killed. Some are a pain, like the blue slug ones. The kamikaze ones are hard to fight because they run at you and instantly blow up. The larger enemies need to be taken out from a distance. I enjoyed scythe action over the run and gun game play but guns are needed in certain spots. Oh and the guns are fun. Some of them stink at first, like the shotgun, but after a while they each have their own purpose. I really liked the upgraded electric gun, great for combos.
On to the Power Ups. There is the Pandora icons which when you collect four adds an extra special attack thing. Just fill up the Pandora meter and it stocks an attack. You just hit circle and triangle together to use it, deals massive damage and slows down time. I rarely used it but it's neat. There are little heads of DJ which when you collect four give you more life. There are also weapon widgets which at first are used to buy new moves and then later sued to upgrade your weapons into even cooler machines of destruction. The widgets are a must find I found because it makes the larger swarms of enemies easier and the later bosses are a major pain.
The platformer moments in the game do provide a bit of challenge, due to the camera mainly. It does break up the action a little and keeps the game from getting dull. There isn't a ton of platforming though, but there is enough. Just think Ratchet and Clank, with less platforming and more melee fighting. I think the game like this will only last for 10 hours. There is plenty to do like find all of the power ups. After that, you can always replay the levels, which I actually did a few times. Another complaint is that the game does not give you a check list of the levels and how many power ups you have gotten. So, as a warning, make your own list when you get a report card and keep track. The game does deliver a lot of action and the levels are fairly long if you search them for everything.
My final rating for the game
Story - 8/10
Graphics - 8/10
Sound - 9/10
Control - 7/10
Game play - 9/10
Replay Value - 8/10
Final Score - 8/10
OK, next best thing. I just own a new figure today..hehe. My first ever 20" Figure and also the most biggest figure I ever own for my collection. It's a figure of Legolas from The Lord of the Rings of course. This figure been manufacture by NECA and huge 20 inch tall. The figure comes with actual audio from the motion picture trilogy and it's has motion sensor so that when you walk in from of it, then it will start to talk. The figure are very detail and also come with some accessories which includes White Knife, Lorien Quiver w/ Knife Scabbards and Lorien Arrows. To tell the truth, I really have a problem when buying this one. I have a problem choosing either Legolas or Gandalf. But gandalf have a few accessories comes with it. So I decide to go with Legolas.